Friday, April 2, 2010

Bento (74) - Teriyaki Chicken

It's time for a deep dark admission. I have never cooked teriyaki chicken. My mother raised me on McDonalds and raviolis from a can . . . but now . . . I even made the sauce! WOW! The left side of T.'s bento is my totally unimpressive chicken, rice, edamame, and a sauce container with extra teriyaki sauce. To the right is cherry yogurt with bananas, and the bottom is mashed potatoes with an edamame flower. The red is a flower cut from a frozen cherry.

And yes - I made a little too many mashed potatoes. I've eaten them every day this week . . . and still have leftovers! ACK! Good thing I love them!

My bento was very similar, though I have a pickled plum instead of a flower topping my potatoes . . . and moved the cherry flower to decorate my rice. And blue kitty food picks rule!!

1 comment:

  1. I love home made teriyaki sauce... and home made yakitori too! Both are surprisingly easy to make, and taste sooooo good when fresh. ;-)
