Sunday, July 19, 2015

Bento (179) - Make Your Own Lunchable - Cheese Giraffes

After paging through my new bento cookbook Everyday Bento by Wendy Thorpe Copley, I decided to set out on the long, arduous (okay, maybe not so arduous) journey to make my own Lunchables.  Not that I have anything against the Lunchable brand, but it is essentially meat, cheese, and crackers (all of which I have on hand).  I purchased a few cheap (or rather, cheaper than my bento boxes :P)  Sistema containers that are divided into two parts.  Then...I had to open a Lunchable to see how all the items fit.

Yep.  That's everything that's in a a Lunchable folks.  By comparison, I bought a pack with slices of four different cheeses, some deli honey-ham, and a pack of Ritz crackers.  A few minutes with my cookie cutters made Goose's home-made Lunchable adorable!

Orange stars are carrots, giraffes are colby Jack cheese (which melted...I had to actually explain to Goose that real cheese melts O.o), and the multicolored balls are store-bough mini-mochi.

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